20:33 ICT SATurday, 27/07/2024

Treo chân mày bằng chỉ không phẫu thuật

Bệnh viện thẩm mỹ JW hàn quốc

Bệnh viện thẩm mỹ uy tín nhất tphcm

Cắt mí mắt hàn quốc đẹp

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Điều trị khớp cắn ngược

Quy trình phẫu thuật hàm hô

Instruction of building up models

TUEsday - 29/10/2013 16:08

1. Build up models of fisheries co-management organizations

2. Build up models of pangasius and shrimp farming estabilshments according to VietGAP regulations

3. Build up and implement the quality management and food safety program according to GMP, SSOP, HACCP in fishing boats, purchasing and processing boats, seafood processing manufactures to export, seafood processing manufactures for local consumption; aquaculture establishments.

4. To develop investment projects of testing laboratories for quality management and food safety; management guidelines for testing laboratories according to ISO 17025 standard and the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

5.  To develop investment projects of testing laboratories for aquatic animal diseases; practice guidelines for testing laboratories according to ISO 17025 standard and the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

6.  To develop and practice vertical integration program according to value chain in pangasius and tilapia production and consumption .


Include instructions for developing procedures to request the approval from the competent authorities.



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